Straight from Project 2025: Washington Post Reveals Oil & Gas Lobby’s Plan for a Trump Presidency 

Straight from Project 2025: Washington Post Reveals Oil & Gas Lobby’s Plan for a Trump Presidency 

WASHINGTON (October 18, 2024) – The Washington Post broke an exclusive story today revealing oil lobbyists’ wish list for a potential Trump administration, after previously reporting in May that former President Trump requested $1 billion from the group to bankroll his campaign.

Following is a reaction from NRDC Action Fund President Manish Bapna:

“Donald Trump told oil executives he would do their bidding in exchange for $1 billion in campaign contributions. Now they’re spelling out what they want in return: new tax breaks so they can buy new yachts, no limits on the pollution they spew into the atmosphere, and no consideration of the real damage oil and gas is doing to the climate.

“It is an action plan straight from the pages of Project 2025. Its goal is to minimize their regulatory costs and make the rest of us pick up the bill—especially low-income communities and communities of color on the frontlines of hazard and harm.

“This is further proof that Trump is in this election for himself and the Big Oil billionaires bankrolling his campaign. Make no mistake—if given the opportunity, Trump will walk the walk and sell our children’s future to the highest bidder.”