Leading Environmental and Climate Organizations Endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President

Leading Environmental and Climate Organizations Endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President

Washington, D.C. – Today, four leading environmental, clean energy and climate organizations — the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, the NRDC Action Fund, the Sierra Club and Clean Energy for American Action (CE4A Action) — endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for President. The Biden-Harris administration has done far more to address the climate crisis and environmental injustice than any administration in our nation’s history.

“Whether holding polluters accountable as San Francisco District Attorney and California Attorney General, leading the charge on electric school buses in the U.S. Senate, or casting the deciding vote on the biggest investment ever in climate, clean energy and environmental justice and leading on climate on the world stage as Vice President, Kamala Harris has long been a climate champion,” said LCV Action Fund Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Tiernan Sittenfeld. “LCV Action Fund is proud to support her historic candidacy and to continue working together to protect our climate, defend our democracy, and much more over the next four years.”

“Kamala Harris has been a driving force in delivering the strongest climate action in history. She’s ready to build on those gains from day one as president,” said Manish Bapna, president and CEO of the NRDC Action Fund. “She championed the policies and investments that are cutting climate pollution, creating jobs, unlocking innovation, strengthening the economy, and protecting vulnerable communities. Harris grasps the urgency and scale of the challenge. She’ll advance the climate progress we’ve made at home and internationally. She’ll raise climate ambition to make sure we confront the climate crisis in a way that makes the country more inclusive, more economically competitive and more energy secure.”

“Kamala Harris is a courageous advocate for the people and the planet. From prosecuting polluters as California’s Attorney General to authoring bold climate legislation that would become central to the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, she has worked for decades to combat the climate crisis and protect our health and future,” said Ben Jealous, Sierra Club Executive Director. “There is no doubt that she will work to continue the Biden-Harris administration’s legacy of acting ambitiously to advance our progress toward a just, thriving clean energy economy. I have had the distinct personal privilege of calling Kamala Harris a dear friend for more than 20 years, but it will be an even greater honor to call her Madam President.”

“Clean energy is the future of American energy and we cannot afford to backslide on the historic progress made under President Biden.” said CE4A Action Deputy Executive Director Sarah Mason. “Vice President Harris is a proven champion and fierce advocate for climate action and clean energy and we are confident she will carry on the impressive legacy of the Biden-Harris Administration as President.”

The four organizations combined represent millions of members and activists in every state across the country. The organizations each plan to educate and mobilize their members and supporters around Vice President Harris’s climate and environmental justice record ahead of the election. Polling has repeatedly shown that voters support the clean energy and environmental justice progress made by the Biden-Harris administration, that these issues are especially motivating to younger voters and that the clear contrast with Trump’s record moves key voters away from Trump. In addition, Vice President Harris is featured on GiveGreen.com, the largest progressive issue-based candidate fundraising platform in U.S. politics.

The last three and a half years of the Biden-Harris administration could not contrast more starkly with Trump and other extreme MAGA Republicans, and the stakes for this election could not be higher. Trump rolled back more than 100 environmental protections, allowing his corporate backers to pollute our air and water and put our communities and environment at risk. A second term would be far worse for our climate and our democracy: Trump has promised to be a dictator on day one and will continue to sell out our future to his Big Oil and corporate interest campaign donors. The League of Conservation Voters, the NRDC Action Fund, the Sierra Club, and climate voters are all-in to help ensure that Vice President Harris wins big on Election Day.


Paid for by League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, NRDC Action Fund PAC, the Sierra Club Political Committee and Clean Energy for America Action and authorized by Harris for President.