NRDC Action Fund Slams GOP’s Fossil Fuel-Soaked Platform

NRDC Action Fund Slams GOP’s Fossil Fuel-Soaked Platform

WASHINGTON (July 15, 2024) – The Republican National Convention opened amid false claims about the Biden administration’s energy record and a “Drill, Baby, Drill” party platform.

Alexandra Adams, senior adviser to the NRDC Action Fund, made the following statement:

“Republicans have it backward. The only ones trying to stifle U.S. energy production are those in the GOP who’ve spent the past year trying to gut the strategic incentives that are widening consumer choice by speeding the growth of clean, renewable, domestic energy.

“Right now, the United States is producing more oil and gas than ever – in this country or any other. That’s the wrong direction, as people suffering from this week’s dangerous heat wave know all too well.

“The Biden-Harris administration is working to create a level energy playing field and let consumers choose what’s best. As the RNC platform and Project 2025 make clear, Trump wants to roll back that progress and lock us into the dirty fuels of the past all for the sake of his billionaire Big Oil donors.”