NRDC Action Fund: “Thank You, Mr. President”

NRDC Action Fund: “Thank You, Mr. President”

WASHINGTON (July 21, 2024) – President Joe Biden today announced he will end his reelection bid.

Manish Bapna, president and CEO of the NRDC Action Fund, issued the following statement:

“President Biden delivered the strongest climate action in U.S. history. He’s driven a heartland manufacturing renaissance with clean energy at its core, creating jobs, making the country more energy secure and strengthening the supply chain for the building blocks of a modern society. He’s led by example to help rally the world around a commitment to confront the climate crisis by moving beyond fossil fuels to cleaner ways to power our future.

“Through five decades of public service, Biden has led with vision, integrity and character. This country, and the world, are the better for it. This selfless act of leadership is a fitting coda to that career, recognizing the time to pass the baton at a moment when the fate of our democracy and the future of our planet hang in the balance.

“Thank you, Mr. President.”

About the NRDC Action Fund


The NRDC Action Fund is a national environmental advocacy and political organization that is affiliated with but separate from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The two organizations’ names may not be used interchangeably. News and information released by the NRDC Action Fund should be identified as from “the NRDC Action Fund,” and not from NRDC. Learn more at